LNG 벙커링 산학연 센터 설립 나섰다 (PKNU has set out to establish a 'Global LNG/hydrogen fuel bunkering industry-univerisity-research joint center') | |||
작성자 | 대외협력과 | 작성일 | 2020-10-15 |
조회수 | 477 |
LNG 벙커링 산학연 센터 설립 나섰다 (PKNU has set out to establish a 'Global LNG/hydrogen fuel bunkering industry-univerisity-research joint center') | |||||
대외협력과 | 2020-10-15 | 477 |
부경대학교가 소형선박용 LNG 벙커링 시스템 등 청정연료 해상운송 시스템 분야 산업 개척에 나서 관심을 모은다. 부경대 링크플러스(LINC+)사업단(단장 서용철)은 ‘글로벌 LNG/수소연료 벙커링 산학연 공동센터’ 설립에 나섰다고 13일 밝혔다. 이 센터는 미래성장 동력으로 주목받고 있는 액화천연가스(LNG), 수소연료 등 청정연료 기반 육?해상 모빌리티 관련 산업 발전을 이끌기 위해 산학연이 손잡고 관련 기술개발, 인력양성 등을 추진하는 조직이다. 코로나19로 조선업 침체가 장기화되고 있는 상황을 극복하기 위해 부산 지역을 중심으로 소형 LNG 벙커링 선박 건조 및 관련 시스템 개발 산업을 개척하는 것이 센터의 목표다. 이를 위해 부경대 링크플러스사업단은 지난 7월부터 지역의 조선, 해양플랜트 관련 기업을 대상으로 참여의향서를 접수해 지금까지 국내외 24개 기업을 모집했다. 올해 말까지 용당캠퍼스 드래곤밸리 내에 비영리법인 형태로 센터를 설립하고, 최대 40개 기업 및 연구소를 입주시킬 계획이다. 특히 부경대 링크플러스사업단은 세부사업 기획과 국가핵심기술 선도 프로젝트의 지역 유치활동을 추진하기 위해 최근 부산산업과학혁신원의 대외협력기획지원사업(부산형뉴딜)에 신청, 선정돼 센터 설립과 운영에 탄력을 받게 됐다. 이에 따라 부경대 링크플러스사업단은 센터를 중심으로 극저온 청정연료 단위시스템 기술 개발을 비롯, 해당 시스템 및 소형친환경 선박의 해외수주를 위한 사업개발, 극저온 친환경 연료시스템 전문인력 양성 등을 통해 기업 기술력 강화와 지역청년 일자리 창출까지 연결시킨다는 계획이다. <부경투데이> Pukyong National University is attracting public attention by developing the industry in the field of clean fuel maritime transportation systems such as LNG bunkering systems for small ships. Pukyong National University's Linc Plus (LINC+) Business Team (Seo Yong-cheol, leader) has announced on the 13, October that the University has set out to establish a 'Global LNG/hydrogen fuel bunkering industry-univerisity-research joint center'. It is an organization that a center promotes related technology development and manpower development in cooperation with industry-university-research institutes to lead the development of the land and sea mobility-related industries based on clean fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen fuel, which are attracting attention as growth engines for our future. The goal of this center is to build the construction of small LNG bunkering ships and develop related systems and set up industries around the Busan area to overcome the situation in which the stagnant atmosphere in the shipbuilding industry is prolonged due to COVID-19. For this project, Pukyong National University's LINC Plus Business Team has received letters of intent to participate since last July from local shipbuilding and offshore plant related companies, and has recruited 24 domestic and foreign companies so far. Pukyong National University plans to establish the center in the form of a non-profit corporation in Dragon Valley of Yongdang Campus by the end of this year, and to move in up to 40 companies and research institutes. Especially, Pukyong National University's LINC Plus Business Team has been selected after applying for the Busan Innovation Institute of Industry, Science & Technology Planning (BISTEP)'s Planning Support Project of External Cooperation (Busan-type New Deal) in order to promote detailed project planning and activities to attract regional projects leading national core technologies. Accordingly, Pukyong National University's LINC Plus Business Team will focus on developing business for overseas orders for the system and small eco-friendly ships, including the development of cryogenic clean fuel unit system technology, and fostering experts related to cryogenic eco-friendly fuel systems. Through this, the university plans to connect with the reinforcement of corporate technology and creation of local youth jobs. Seo Yong-cheol, the leader of the LINC Plus Business Team of Pukyong National University said, "The university will lead the industry-university-research cooperation in business development to revitalize the shipbuilding economy stagnated by COVID-19, and build a cluster of small and medium-sized ship technology development, manufacturing, and business based on eco-friendly clean fuel in Busan." <Pukyong Today> |