[특강안내] 스마트도시는 정말 똑똑한가? | |||
작성자 | WISET 동남권역사업단 | 작성일 | 2024-06-07 |
조회수 | 334 |
[특강안내] 스마트도시는 정말 똑똑한가? | |||||
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WISET 동남권역사업단 | ![]() |
2024-06-07 | ![]() |
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스마트도시는 정말 똑똑한가?
2024 International Symposium
Spatial Justice and City; Are Smart Cities Smart?
스마트 도시는 정말 똑똑한가?!
8th of June, 20:00 KST (20:00-22:00), Saturday
Norwegian Time (13:00-15:00), Saturday
Co-hosted by UNIST CISAR (Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Awareness and Research)
Hanyang University CELPST (Center for Ethics, Law and Policy in Science and Technology)
Listen to the City
1.Smart Cities and the Smartness Mandate
Anders Riel M?ller/ 송연준
대부분의 사람들은 스마트 시티를 유비쿼터스 데이터 네트워크, 센서 및 기타 첨단 기술 솔루션으로 생각하지만, 이 강연에서는 스마트 시티가 어떻게 도시 공간을 관리하는 새로운 방식인지에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 이 강연에서는 스마트시티 의무와 pre-emptive hope의 개념을 소개하고 스마트시티가 도시 정의, 민주주의, 환경 지속 가능성에 어떻게 도전하는지 소개한다.
While most people think of smart cities as ubiquitous data networks, sensors, and other high-technology solutions, this talk will discuss how smart cities are a new mode of governing urban space. This talk will introduce you to the concepts of the Smartness Mandate and pre-emptive hope and how it challenges urban justice, democracy, and environmental sustainability.
Anders Riel M?ller/ 송연준 /(he/him) is an Associate Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of Stavanger. He is leading several research initiatives looking at smart cities, renewable energy futures, and the ghosts of empire and colonialism in Nordic sustainability transitions. He is a founding member of the Social and Spatial Justice research group at the University of Stavanger and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Manchester and Yonsei University. He holds a PhD in International Development/Global Studies from the University of Roskilde where his work focused on South Korean post-colonial ethno-nationalism and economic development.
2.Smart city as “propaganda village” and its data
Binna Choi (Unmake Lab), Media Artist & Educator
The vignettes of two Korean smart cities?Songdo and Eco Delta City will be delivered in this presentation. In particular, the view from the 'Smart City Control Room' in Songdo and from the 'Simulation Village' in Eco Delta City will be superimposed. The overlap will enable us to understand the computational propaganda that floats above these smart cities.
최빛나 (언메이크랩), 미디어 아티스트 및 교육자
최빛나는 미디어 아티스트 콜렉티브인 언메이크랩에 속해 있다. 언메이크랩은 기계의 인식 작용을 엉뚱하게 이용해 알고리즘의 집착을 아이러니, 우화, 유머로 바꾸는 작업을 한다. 특히 한국의 발전주의 역사와 기계 학습의 추출주의를 서로 겹쳐, 현재의 사회문화적 알고리즘으로 드러내는 것에 관심을 가지고 있다. 기술 사회의 담론을 이야기하는 Forking Room과 같은 행사를 조직하여 다른 기술적 관점을 만드는 활동도 하고 있다
Binna Choi is a member of Unmake Lab, a media artist collective. Unmake Lab's work ‘mis-appropriates’ machine perception to turn algorithmic obsessions into irony, allegory, and humor. In particular, Unmake Lab is interested in overlapping the history of Korean developmentalism and the extractivism of machine learning to express them as the current sociocultural algorithms. Unmake Lab also organizes events such as Forking Room, which discusses the discourse of technological society to create an alternative technological perspective.
3. Spatial Justice, Nuclear Disaster, and Art: Don't Follow the Wind
Jason Waite (Ph.D in Contemporary Art History and Theory, Oxford University)
인간이 살 수 없는 환경이 된 재난에 예술은 어떻게 대응할 수 있을까? 2015년 후쿠시마 방사능 오염 구역에서 열린 12명의 예술가들의 프로젝트 '바람을 따르지 마세요'는 그 이후로 인간들로 부터 발견되기를 기대하고 있다. 그 사이 수많은 비인간 존재의 관객과 참여자가 방문 했으며, 이웃 주민들이 후쿠시마 부흥 계획에 따라 다시 돌아왔다. 이 강연에서는 인간 이외의 존재들이 인간 인프라의 용도를 변경하는 방법과 미래의 공존을 위한 종간 인프라에 대해 어떻게 생각할 수 있는지 살펴보고자한다.
How can art respond to disaster that has made the environment uninhabitable for humans? The project Don’t Follow the Wind including 12 new commissions by artists, opened in the radioactive Fukushima exclusion zone in 2015 and has been waiting to be seen by human visitors since then. In the meantime, there have been a whole host of more-than-human audience, participants, and neighbors that have moved in. This talk looks at how more-than-humans are repurposing human infrastructure and how we can think about interspecies infrastructure for future cohabitation.
Jason Waite is a curator, writer, and cultural worker focused on forms of practice producing agency. Recently working in sites of crisis amidst the detritus of capitalism, looking for tools and radical imaginaries for different ways of living and working together. He is part of the collective Don't Follow the Wind curating an ongoing project inside the uninhabited Fukushima exclusion zone and co-editor of the book Don't Follow the Wind (2021) published by Sternberg Press. Waite was curator at Casco Art Institute in Utrecht and holds a PhD in Contemporary Art History and Theory from the University of Oxford, an MA in Art and Politics from Goldsmiths, London, and was a Helena Rubinstein Curatorial Fellow at the Whitney Museum ISP, New York. Presently, he is the editor of Art Review Oxford and an affiliated fellow at the Panel on Planetary Thinking at Justus Liebig University.
Eunseon Park (Listen to the City)
Sang Wook Yi, Hyomin Kim, Jibum Chung
Doyeon Diana Kim
Sang Wook Yi is Professor of Philosophy at Hanyang University, South Korea and Director of the HY Center for Ethics, Law and Policy of Science and Technology in Hanyang. He was a former chairperson and committee member of the Korean Institute of Science & Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP). Yi is a vice chairperson of UNESCO’s World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).
Hyomin Kim is Associate Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea and Director of Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Awareness and Research at UNIST. Her research subjects include Korean environmental risk governance, such as decisions regarding COVID-19, the import of US beef, and the management of nuclear and renewable energy facilities and waste repositories.
Jibum Chung is Associate Professor at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea and Co-Director of Center for Interdisciplinary Scientific Awareness and Research at UNIST. As an expert on disaster safety polices, he is currently a policy advisor to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety. He has served as an advisor to the Special Investigation Committee for Social Disaster and as an outside director of the Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD).
Doyeon Diana Kim PhD. is the founder of Sustainable Environment Renewable Architecture (SERA), specializing in Natural Fiber Composite (NFC) technology for building materials. With extensive experience as a research scholar at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a background in sculpture, architecture, and urban sustainability, Kim is trying to promote eco-friendly construction innovations.
Eunseon Park (PhD. in Urban Engineering) is the founder of Listen to the City and a visiting scholar at the University of Stavanger, Norway. She is a former visiting professor at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Engineering in Disasters from Yousei University. Her research focused on the value of the commons, rights to the city, and marginalized people in disasters.
Sponsored by
Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology