동문이 뛴다 | 주시보 동문, 100대기업 CEO 선정(Pukyong people on a fast track | The choice of Alumnus Joo Si-bo as 'CEOs at the Top 100 Companies') | |||
작성자 | 대외협력과 | 작성일 | 2020-07-02 |
조회수 | 750 |
동문이 뛴다 | 주시보 동문, 100대기업 CEO 선정(Pukyong people on a fast track | The choice of Alumnus Joo Si-bo as 'CEOs at the Top 100 Companies') | |||||
대외협력과 | 2020-07-02 | 750 |
부경대학교 동문이 100대 기업 CEO로 선정됐다. 주인공은 포스코인터내셔날 대표이사로 재직 중인 주시보 동문(60)이다. 주 동문은 부경대 전신 부산수산대 기관학과 78학번이다. 경영전문 월간지인 <현대경영>는 6월호 지면을 통해 ‘제27회 2020년 100대기업 CEO’를 발표했다. 이 기사에 따르면 부산 울산 경남지역 대학에서 2020년 100대기업 CEO를 배출한 대학은 부산대 부경대 울산대 등 3개 대학이었다. 부산대는 6명, 부경대와 울산대는 각 1명씩 배출한 것으로 나타났다. 부경대를 비롯 강원대 단국대 명지대 아주대 영남대 울산대 전주대 청주대 충북대 육사 등이 1명씩의 100대기업 CEO를 배출했다. 100대기업은 매출액 순위 100대기업이다. 금융·보험·공기업은 제외됐다. 주 동문은 포스코 주요 그룹사인 포스코인터내셔널 에너지본부장으로 활약하다 지난해 12월 단행된 포스코그룹 인사에서 대표로 승진했다. 주 동문은 동아고와 부경대를 졸업한 후 한양대 산업대학원(자원공학과)를 나왔다. 2005년 포스코인터내셔날에 입사한 후 해외생산본부장, 석유가스운영실장 등을 거친 자원 분야 전문가다. <부경투데이> An Alumnus of Pukyong National University has been selected as the 'CEOs at the Top 100 Companies'. The main character is Joo Si-bo (60 yr old), who serves as CEO of POSCO International. Mr. Joo graduated class of '78, department of Marine Engineering at the National Fisheries University of Busan which is the former name of Pukyong National University. <New Management>, a monthly magazine specializing in management, announced ''CEOs at the Top 100 Companies of the 27th in 2020' in June issue of the magazine. According to this article, three universities, including Pusan National University, Pukyong National University, and the University of Ulsan, produced the CEOs of 100 largest companies in 2020 at universities in Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam. Seoul National University has produced 33 CEOs, 20 from Korea University, 18 from Yonsei University, 8 from Hanyang University, 6 from Busan National University, 5 from Sungkyunkwan University, 3 from Kyungpook National University and Inha University, 2 CEOs have been produced each from Konkuk University, Kyunghee University, Sogang University, Chung-Ang University, Chungnam National University, Hongik University. Including Pukyong National University, and Kangwon National University, Dankook University, Myongji University, Ajou University, Yeongnam University, the University of Ulsan, Jeonju University, Cheongju University, Chungbuk National University, the Korea Military Academy, etc., each produced CEO of the 'Top 100 Companies. The top 100 companies are the top 100 companies in sales. Financial, insurance and public companies were excluded. Mr. Joo worked as the head of the Energy Headquarters at POSCO International, which is a major POSCO group, and he was promoted to a representative in the POSCO Group's personnel affairs held in December last year. After graduating from Dong-A High School and Pukyong National University, Mr. Joo studied at the Graduate School of Industry (Department of Resource Engineering) at Hanyang University. After joining POSCO International in 2005, he became an expert in the field of resources, who has worked as the head of the overseas production division and head of the oil and gas operation department. <Pukyong Today> |