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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산시장·교육감·대학총장 한 자리에 모였다(Busan mayor, school superintendent, and the university president gathered in one place.)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-05-18
조회수 433
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부산시장·교육감·대학총장 한 자리에 모였다(Busan mayor, school superintendent, and the university president gathered in one place.)
대외협력과 2021-05-18 433

‘지역사회·지역대학 상생 공존 해법을 찾아라’

- 17일 ‘2021 교육분권포럼’ 개최 … 장영수 총장 기조발제
KNN 교육분권포럼(2021.5.17.) (1)

△ '2021 교육분권포럼' 참석자들이 단체 기념촬영하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)

지역사회와 지역대학의 상생과 공존 해법을 찾기 위해 부산시장, 부산시교육감, 부산 지역대학 총장 등이 한자리에 모여 머리를 맞댔다.

부산시와 부산인재평생교육진흥원이 주최하고 KNN, 부산인재포럼, 부산 지역대학이 주관한 ‘2021 교육분권포럼’이 5월 17일 오후 부산 벡스코 컨벤션홀에서 열린 것.

학령인구 감소에 따른 위기 상황을 극복하기 위해 ‘지역대학 위기는 지역사회 위기’를 주제로 열린 이번 행사에는 장영수 총장을 비롯해 박형준 부산시장, 김석준 부산시교육감, 차정인 부산대 총장, 전호환 동명대 총장, 강병중 KNN 회장, 고영삼 부산인재평생교육진흥원 원장 등이 참석했다.

박형준 시장은 축사에서 “지역대학의 문제는 지역경제와 젊은이들의 미래가 걸린 문제.”라면서, “제대로 된 산학협력 체제를 갖추고, 민간 혁신 역량을 키우는 데 부산의 모든 것이 달려 있다고 생각하고 움직이고 있다. 공유대학 등 새로운 산학협력을 위해 노력해 나가겠다.”라고 말했다.

이날 포럼은 장영수 총장을 비롯, 이광재 국회의원, 김석준 부산광역시교육감이 기조발제자로 나서 3개의 세션에 걸쳐 발표와 토론을 펼치는 방식으로 진행됐다.

가장 먼저 1세션 기조발제자로 발표석상에 오른 장영수 총장은 ‘학령인구 감소시대, 지역대학의 역할과 미래’를 주제로 지역대학의 위기상황을 진단하고, 위기상황에서 대학의 역할은 무엇인가에 대해 실제 대학의 사례를 바탕으로 발표를 펼쳤다.

장영수 총장은 “미래를 위해 교육과 연구를 혁신하고, 그 성과를 지역·국가와 공유하고, 새로운 혁신을 위해 융합하는 것이 대학의 역할.”이라면서, “지금까지 대학의 혁신이 한 방향이었다면 이제는 다중 방향으로 혁신해야 한다.”라고 강조했다.

장 총장은 “정부가 최근 발표한 8대 신산업 분야를 육성하는 데 지역대학도 발맞춰 교육과정과 연구결과를 공유하는 등 지자체, 기업, 교육청 등과 적극 협력해나가야 한다.”라면서 부경대의 학사조직 개편 등 혁신 사례를 예로 들었다.

이어 “정부는 지역대학에 폭넓은 자율성을 보장해야 한다. 대학의 특성을 살리기 위해서는 수익사업에 대한 자율성을 확대하는 등 규제를 대폭 완화해야 한다. 또 3주기 대학평가를 위한 지표관리 때문에 혁신하기도 어려운 만큼 최소 여건만 갖춰지면 혁신할 수 있도록 지원해야 한다.”라고 주장했다.
장 총장은 “떠나는 부산이 아니라 매력적인 지역이 돼야 지역 인재가 유입되고 정주하게 된다. 지자체는 신산업에 맞는 미래일자리를 창출하고, 도심융합특구를 만들고 우수 강소기업을 육성해 질 높은 일자리를 만들어주길 바란다. 기업에 땅을 무상으로 제공해 기업을 운영할 수 있게 하고, 지역 인재를 채용할 수 있도록 하는 것이 좋은 방법일 수 있다.”라고 말했다.

그는 마지막으로 “더 이상 내려갈 곳이 없을 때, 기득권 없이 모든 것을 원점에 두고 혁신할 때 일등으로 올라설 수 있다. 우리도 위기를 기회로 삼아 우뚝 설 수 있는 계기가 되기를 바란다.”라고 밝혔다.

장영수 총장의 발제에 이어 고영삼 부산인재평생교육진흥원 고영삼 원장의 사회로 황기식 동아대 교수, 김종한 경성대 교수, 이영일 부산외대 교수, 도용회 부산광역시의회 기획재경위원장, 김기환 부산광역시 성장전략국장이 토론자로 나서 열띤 토론을 펼쳤다.

이날 교육분권포럼에서는 1세션과 함께 이광재 국회의원의 ‘교육 격차 없는 세상, 디지털 집현전’을 주제로 한 2세션, 김석준 부산광역시교육감의 ‘지역인재육성 지속가능성’을 주제로 한 3세션이 이어 열렸다. <부경투데이>

KNN 교육분권포럼(2021.5.17.) (2)

△ '2021 교육분권포럼'에 참석한 장영수 총장.

KNN 교육분권포럼(2021.5.17.) (4)

△ '2021 교육분권포럼' 1세션 진행 장면.

KNN 교육분권포럼(2021.5.17.) (3)

△ 1세선 기조발제자인 장영수 총장이 발표하고 있다.

KNN 교육분권포럼(2021.5.17.) (5)

△ 1세션 기조발제 후 토론이 진행되고 있다.


'Find a win-win solution for the coexistence of regional community and local universities.'

- The 'Educational Decentralization Forum of 2021' was held on 17th a keynote speech by President Jang Young-Soo'


The mayor of Busan, the school superintendent of Busan, and presidents of local universities in Busan gathered in one place to put their heads together to find a win-win solution for coexistence between local communities and local universities.


The '2021 Educational Decentralization Forum', hosted by the city of Busan and Busan Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education (BIT) and managed by KNN, Busan Human Resources Forum, and Busan Universities, was held at the BEXCO Convention Hall in Busan on the afternoon of May 17th.


To discuss how to overcome the crisis caused by the decline in the school-age population, this event was held under the theme of 'The Crisis of Local Colleges is a Crisis of the Community,' and included President Jang Young-Soo, Busan Mayor Park Heong-Joon, School Superintendent of Busan city Kim Seok-Jun, President Cha Jeong-In of Pusan National University (PNU), President Chun Ho-Hwan of Tongmyong University, Chairman Gang Byung-Joong of KNN, Directors of Busan Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education, and others.


In a congratulatory speech, Mayor Park Heong-Joon said, "The problem of local universities is directly connected to the problem of the local economy and the future of the youth," he added, "We are moving forward with the belief that everything in Busan depends on establishing a proper industry-academic cooperation system and developing innovative private capabilities. We will strive towards new industry-academia cooperation such as sharing universities."


On the day the forum was held, President Jang Young-Soo, National Assemblyman Lee Gwang-Jae, and Superintendent of Busan Kim Seok-Joon presented as keynote speakers and gave presentations and discussions over three sessions.


President Jang Young-Soo, who was the first to proceed the presentation as a keynote speaker in Session 1, diagnosed the state of crisis at local universities with the theme of 'The Era of Declining School-Age Population, and the Role and Future of Local Colleges' and presented about the roles of universities in this state of crisis, based on actual cases of universities.


President Jang Young-Soo said, "The role of universities is to innovate education and research for the future, share their achievements with other regions and countries, and converge for innovations," and he stressed, "Innovation in universities has been in one direction so far, but it is the time to innovate in multiple directions."


President Jang cited examples of innovation, such as the restructuring of the academic organization at Pukyong National University, "In order to foster the eight new industrial sectors recently announced by the government, local universities should also actively cooperate with local governments, companies, and offices of education, such as sharing curriculum and research results."


"The government should guarantee a wide range of autonomy to local universities. To preserve the characteristics of universities, regulations must be greatly eased, such as expanding autonomy in profitable businesses. In addition, since it is difficult to innovate because of the management of the indicators for the three-periodic university evaluation, it is necessary to support the university to innovate if the minimum conditions are met," he pointed out.


President Jang said, "Only when Busan becomes an attractive area, rather than a region where people leave, it will lead to an influx of high-flyers, and they will settle down. I hope that local governments will create future jobs suitable for new industries, create urban convergence special zones, and foster excellent small and medium-sized enterprises to create high-quality jobs. I think it might be a good idea for local governments to provide land to companies for free so that they can run companies and recruit local talent."


The last thing he said, "When there is no place to go down, when we innovate with everything at the origin without vested interests, we can rise to the top. I hope that this crisis will be an opportunity for us to stand tall."


Following the presentation of President Jang Young-Soo, Professor Hwang Ki-Sik of Dong-A University, Professor Kim Jong-Han of Kyungsung University, Professor Lee Young-Yil of Busan University of Foreign Studies, Do Yong-hoi, the Standing Committee Chairman of Planning, Finance, and Economic Affairs at Busan Metropolitan Council, and Kim Ki-hwan, Director of Growth Strategy Bureau at Busan Metropolitan Council, were the debaters under the chairmanship of Ko Young-Sam, Director of Busan Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education.


On the day, in the educational decentralization forum, the second session was held on the subject of 'A World without an Education Gap, Digital Jiphyeonjeon (Hall of Worthies)' by Assemblyman Lee Gwang-Jae, and the third session on 'Sustainability of Developing Local Talent' by Busan Superintendent Kim Seok-Joon. <Pukyong Today>