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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
언론 수시기획특집에 비친 부경대학교(PKNU Rolling Admission in the special article planned by the press)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-08-13
조회수 451
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
언론 수시기획특집에 비친 부경대학교(PKNU Rolling Admission in the special article planned by the press)
대외협력과 2021-08-13 451

“혁신적 학사 구조 개편으로 융복합 교육·창의적인 인재 양성 앞장”
- 부산일보·국제신문·동아일보 등 수시기획특집 게재

0813 부경투데이

오는 9월 10일 시작되는 2022학년도 수시전형 원서접수를 앞두고 부경대학교의 강점과 수시전형 정보가 각 언론의 수시기획특집 기사에 잇달아 소개됐다.

부산일보는 지난 7월 30일 33면에 ‘부경대, 혁신적 학사 구조 개편으로 융복합 교육·창의적인 인재 양성 앞장’을 제목으로 부경대를 소개했다.

부산일보는 이 기사에서 “부경대는 최근 융복합 창의인재 양성을 위해 학사조직을 대대적으로 개편했다. 기초 교양교육과 1학년 교육을 전담하는 학부대학을 신설했고, 학문영역 간 장벽을 낮추고 융합을 위해 단과대학에 학부제를 본격 시행한다.”라고 전했다.

이어 “신산업 전문인력 양성을 목표로 휴먼바이오융합전공, 휴먼ICT융합전공, 빅데이터융합전공 등이 소속된 정보융합대학도 신설한다. 고령화에 대응한 사회복지학전공, 첨단산업 설계를 위한 과학시스템시뮬레이션학과도 신설될 예정이다.”라며, “이는 지역 거점 특성화 국립대로 수산해양 등 부산지역 중점산업과 연계한 학문 발전을 선도하고, 대학의 혁신 창학을 위한 시발점으로 삼겠다는 부경대의 의지다.”라고 밝혔다.

이와 함께 국제신문은 8월 11일 32면에 ‘부경대학교, 캠퍼스 내 기업만 300개…동남권 최대 산학협력 생태계 구축’이라는 기사를 통해 부경대의 산학협력 분야 강점을 소개했다.

국제신문은 “(부경대는) 10만 평에 이르는 용당캠퍼스를 적극 개방해 동남권 최대 산학협력 인프라를 구축하고 있다. 지금까지 300여 개 기업을 유치했으며, 공동 연구개발과 기술이전, 재교육, 학생과 협업을 통해 기업과 지역경제 성장을 돕는 것은 물론 지역사회에 필요한 인재를 양성하고 있다.”라고 설명했다.

신문은 이어 “특히 최근 교육부 해양수산부 산업통상자원부 등 정부의 대규모 국책사업에 주관기관으로 잇따라 선정되면서 융복합적 산학협력 노력의 성과가 가시화되고 있다.”라고 강조했다.

동아일보는 7월 30일 ‘혁신-공유-융합 중심 미래인재 양성 지역발전과 미래산업 동시에 선도’라는 제목의 기사에서 “부경대는 부산 기장군에 위치한 동남권 방사선 의·과학단지에 방사선의료에 특화된 의과대학 설립을 추진하고 있다. 세계 최고 수준의 방사선 의과학 시설이 집적된 동남권 방사선 의·과학단지에 의학, 과학, 공학이 융합된 새로운 의과대학과 캠퍼스가 설립되면 동북아시아의 암 치료 허브는 물론 글로벌 정밀 의료산업 중심지가 될 것으로 기대된다.”라며 부경대의 혁신사례를 소개했다.

[부경대학교 2022학년도 수시모집 안내]

부경대는 2022학년도 수시모집에서 전체 신입생 모집인원 3596명 가운데 71.4%인 2569명을 선발한다. 수시모집은 학생부교과전형으로 1660명, 학생부종합전형으로 900명, 실기실적위주전형 9명을 선발한다. 수능최저학력기준 적용 여부와 학생부 성적 반영방법에 유의해 지원해야 한다.

학생부교과전형은 교과 성적 90%와 출석성적 10%로 선발한다. 학생부교과전형 가운데 교과성적우수인재, 지역혁신인재전형은 수능최저학력기준이 적용되며, 농어촌인재, 미래인재, 특성화고교인재전형은 수능최저학력기준이 적용되지 않는다. 학생부교과전형 간에는 복수지원이 가능하다.

학생부종합전형은 고교생활에 충실한 학생을 선발하기 위해 학생부의 교과활동 및 비교과활동을 종합적으로 평가하며, 수능최저학력기준은 적용하지 않는다. 자기소개서를 제출하지 않으며, 면접 없이 서류평가로만 선발한다.

만 30세 이상 성인학습자 및 산업체 재직경력 3년 이상 재직자를 위해 평생학습자전형과 특성화고교 등을 졸업한 재직자 전형을 운영하고 있으며 수능성적 없이 지원할 수 있다. 두 전형 모두 서류평가만으로 선발한다. 부경대 입학본부에서는 오는 27일까지 2022학년도 수시 지원자를 위한 일대일 맞춤형 입학상담을 실시한다.

원서접수 기간은 9월 10일부터 14일까지이며 합격자 발표일은 오는 12월 16일 오후 5시이다. 각종 입학관련 문의사항은 전화(051-629-5600), 부경대 입학홈페이지(http://iphak.pknu.ac.kr) Q&A 게시판을 이용하면 된다.



"PKNU takes the lead in convergence education and nurturing creative talents by reorganizing through innovative academic restructuring"

- Published in special articles on rolling admission, by the Busan Daily, the Kookje Daily, and the Dong-A Daily News


Ahead of the application period of rolling admission for the 2022 academic year, which will start on September 10, the advantage that Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) has and information related to the random admissions were introduced one after another in the special articles of each press.


The Busan Daily News introduced Pukyong National University on page 33, on July 30th with the title, 'Pukyong National University takes the lead in convergence education and nurturing creative talents through innovative academic restructuring'


The Busan Daily reported in this article, "Pukyong National University has recently reorganized its academic organization to foster convergence and creative talent. Undergraduate colleges dedicated exclusively to basic liberal arts education and first-year education have been newly established, and the undergraduate system will be implemented in full scale to lower the barriers between academic fields and to promote convergence between disciplines."


"With the goal of nurturing experts in new industries, the Information Convergence College will also be established, which includes the Human Bio Convergence Major, Human ICT Convergence Major, and Big Data Convergence Major. The Department of Social Welfare in response to the aging population and the Department of Science and System Simulation for high-tech industrial design will also be newly established," the article continued, "This is considered to be a demonstration of Pukyong National University's will to lead academic development in connection with Busan's key industries such as fisheries and marine and as a starting point for innovative founding of the university as a national university specializing in regional bases."


At the same time, the Kookje Daily published on page 32 on August 11th, introduced its strengths in the field of industry-academic cooperation through an article titled, ‘Pukyong National University, 300 companies on campusUniversity that has built the largest industry-academic cooperation ecosystem in the southeast region'.


The Kookje Daily explained, "Pukyong National University has established the largest industrial-educational cooperation infrastructure in the Southeast region by actively opening the Yongdang Campus, which currently covers an area of 330,0000m2 approximately. The university has attracted more than 300 companies so far, and through joint R&D, technology transfer, re-education, and collaboration with students, the university is helping businesses and the local economy to grow, as well as nurturing talents needed for the local community."


The newspaper emphasized, "In particular, as Pukyong National University has been recently selected as the lead institute for large-scale government projects conducted by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF), and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), the results of the convergence of industry-educational cooperation efforts are becoming visible."


The Dong-A Daily introduced the innovative case of Pukyong National University in an article dated July 30, titled 'University that leads regional development and future industry at the same time, nurturing future talents centered on innovation-sharing-convergence', "Pukyong National University is pushing ahead of a plan to establish a medical school specializing in radiology and medical in the Southern East Area Radiology Medical & Science Industrial Complex located in Gijang-gun, Busan. When a new medical college and campus that converges medicine, science, and engineering is established in the Southern East Area Radiology Medical & Science Industrial Complex, it is expected to become a cancer treatment hub in Northeast Asia as well as a center of the global precision medical industry."



[Rolling Admission Guide for the 2022 academic year of PKNU]


Pukyong National University selects 2,569, or 71.4%, of the total 3,596 new students from the regular admissions for the 2022 academic year. For Rolling Admission, 1,660 students will be selected for school grades screenings transcripts of students' school records, 900 students will be selected through the comprehensive screening of the student's records, and 9 students will be selected through the talent and accomplishment evaluation-based screening. Applicants must pay attention to whether they meet the minimum academic achievement standards for the Korean SAT and how to reflect student records.


Applicants are selected based on 90% of school grades screenings transcripts of students' school records and 10% of attendance records. Among the school grades screenings of the students' school records, the minimum academic achievement standards are applied to talents with excellent subject performance and regional innovation talents, and the minimum academic achievement standards are not applied to talents in a special screening process for residents of farming and fishing town, future talents, and specialized high schools. Multiple applications are available between school grades screenings transcripts of students' school records.


The comprehensive screening for student records comprehensively evaluates the curriculum and extracurricular activities of the student record in order to select students who have been faithful to high school life. Applicants for the comprehensive screening do not need to submit a self-introduction letter and are selected only through document evaluation without an interview.


For adult learners over the age of 30 and those who have worked in the industry for 3 years or more, Pukyong National University operates the lifelong learner selection and incumbent selection who have graduated from specialized high schools without an entrance exam score. In both cases, selection is made solely on the basis of document evaluation. Pukyong National University Admissions Headquarters will conduct one-on-one customized admission counseling for applicants of the rolling admission for 2022 until coming 27th.


The application period is from September 10 to 14, and the announcement of successful applicants will be on December 16th at 5 pm. For various admission-related inquiries, please call (051-629-5600) or use the Q&A board on the website for Pukyong National University Admissions (http://iphak.pknu.ac.kr). <Pukyong Today>