국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
주부산미국영사 부경대 방문(The U.S. consul in Busan visited PKNU)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-08-20
조회수 384
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
주부산미국영사 부경대 방문(The U.S. consul in Busan visited PKNU)
대외협력과 2021-08-20 384

데이비드 제 주부산미국영사, 부경대생들 찾아 격려
- 20일 부경대서 평화봉사단 및 유학생 간담회 가져
데이비드 제 1
△ 데이비드 제 주부산미국영사(뒷줄 왼쪽 네 번째), 장영수 총장(뒷줄 왼쪽 다섯 번째), 부경대생들이 기념촬영하고 있다. ⓒ사진 이성재(대외홍보팀)


데이비드 제(David John Jea) 주부산미국영사가 국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 학생들을 찾아 격려했다.

제 영사는 8월 20일 오전 부경대 동원장보고관 1층 아카데미홀에서 학생평화봉사단인 부경UN서포터즈 학생들과 부경대에 재학 중인 외국인 유학생들과 간담회를 가졌다.

이번 행사는 지난달 주부산미국영사관 신임 영사로 부임한 제 영사가 지역의 차세대 인재들과 소통하며 협력을 확대하기 위해 마련됐다.

이날 부경UN서포터즈 학생들은 한국전쟁 참전용사들을 위한 보은활동을 펼치는 봉사단의 설립 배경과 그동안의 활약상을 소개했다.

부경UN서포터즈 회장 황민혜 학생(기계설계공학과 2학년)은 “2009년 1기 발대 이후 13년째를 맞은 부경UN서포터즈는 지금까지 국내외 생존 참전용사들을 직접 찾아 보은활동을 펼쳐 왔다. 앞으로 미국 참전용사를 대상으로 한 봉사활동에 정보제공 등 많은 도움을 부탁드린다.”라고 말했다.

이와 함께 부경대에 재학 중인 외국인 유학생들은 유학생활 관련 조언을 받는 등 제 영사와 질의응답 시간을 가졌다.

제 영사는 이날 간담회에 앞서 부경대 대학본부 3층 총장실을 찾아 장영수 총장을 예방해 주부산미국영사관과 대학 간 협력 방안을 논의하는 한편, 한국전쟁 당시 미8군 사령부 임시 지휘본부로 사용됐던 부경대 워커하우스를 방문하는 등 대학시설을 둘러봤다. <부경투데이>


데이비드 제 2

△ 데이비드 제 주부산미국영사와 부경대생들의 간담회 전경.


데이비드 제 3

△ 간담회에 참석한 데이비드 제 영사(왼쪽)와 장영수 총장.


데이비드 제 4

△ 데이비드 제 영사(왼쪽)가 총장실에서 장영수 총장과 기념촬영하고 있다.


데이비드 제 5
△ 간담회에서 인사말을 하고 있는 데이비드 제 영사.


Mr. David Jea, the U.S. Consul in Busan, visited PKNU students and offered words of encouragement

- attended a meeting with Pukyong UN Supporters and international students at PKNU on the 20th


David John Jea, Consul of the United States in Busan, visited Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) students and encouraged them.


The U.S. Consul Jea had a meeting with Pukyong UN Supporters, a student peace volunteer group, and foreign students studying in Pukyong National University, at the Academy Hall on the first floor of Dongwon Jang Bogo Hall in Pukyong National University on the morning of August 20.


The event was organized to expand cooperation with U.S. Consul Jea, who was appointed as the new consul of the U.S. Consulate in Busan last month, to communicate with the next generation of talented people in the region.


On this day, Pukyong UN Supporters students introduced the background to the establishment of the Volunteer Corps, which carries out charity activities for veterans of the Korean War, and their activities so far.


Pukyong UN Supporters President Hwang Min-Hye (2nd year, Department of Mechanical Design Engineering) said, "Pukyong UN Supporters, which celebrated its 13th year since the first group was established in 2009, have been conducting volunteer activities in-person to find surviving veterans at home and abroad. We would be grateful if the U.S. consulate could help by providing information on volunteer activities for U.S. veterans."


In addition, foreign students attending Pukyong National University had a Q&A session with Mr. Jea, receiving advice on studying abroad.


Prior to the meeting, Mr. Jea visited the University President's Office on the 3rd floor of Pukyong National University's headquarters and visited President Jang Young-Soo in advance to discuss ways of cooperation between the University and the U.S. Consulate in Busan. He also toured the university's facilities, including a visit to Pukyong National University's Walker House, which was used as a temporary command post for the Eighth United States Army during the Korean War. <Pukyong Today>