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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대학교 제7대 총장 후보자 선출(The Election for the 7th President Candidates of Pukyong National University)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2020-07-16
조회수 1210
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대학교 제7대 총장 후보자 선출(The Election for the 7th President Candidates of Pukyong National University)
대외협력과 2020-07-16 1210

△ 장영수 교수(왼쪽)와 류장수 교수.

부경대학교 제7대 총장임용후보자선거에서 1순위 후보자로 해양수산경영학과 장영수 교수(張瑛秀‧55세), 2순위 후보자로 경제학부 류장수 교수(柳將秀‧58세)가 선출됐다.

15일 온라인 투표로 실시된 부경대학교 제7대 총장임용후보자선거 3차 결선투표에서 장 교수가 환산 득표 수 338.57표(52.2%)를 얻어 1위를 차지했다. 2위 류 교수는 309.82표(47.7%)를 얻었다.

이번 선거에는 교수 579명, 직원 363명, 조교 18명, 학생 34명 등 모두 994명이 참여했다.

장 교수는 부산수산대 수산경영학과를 졸업(1988년)하고 일본 동경해양대학 대학원 수산경영학과에서 박사학위(1994년)를 받았다. 1995년부터 부경대 해양수산경영학과 교수로 재직하며 수산과학대학장, 교양교육과정운영위원, 대외사업본부장 등을 역임했다. 경제인문사회연구회 평가위원을 지냈고, 현재 대통령직속 정책기획위원, 농어업‧농어촌 특별위원회 농어업분과위원회 위원, 해양수산부 정책자문위원 등을 맡고 있다.

류 교수는 경북대 경제학과를 졸업(1984년)하고, 서울대 대학원 경제학과에서 박사학위(1993년)를 받았다. 1995년부터 부경대 경제학부 교수로 재직하며 기획처장을 역임했고, 한국지역고용학회 회장, 교육부총리 정책보좌관, 대통령직속 국가균형발전위원, 부산지역인적자원개발위원회 선임위원, 최저임금위원장 등을 지냈다. 현재 교육부 대학구조개혁위원장, 4단계 BK21사업 선정평가운영위원 등을 맡고 있다.

1순위 후보자에 오른 장 교수는 “지금까지 우리가 겪어보지 못한 코로나 시대를 오히려 대학 발전의 기회로 삼아 대학 경쟁력을 더욱 높여나가겠다.”라며, “특히 대학 구성원들이 창의적 융복합 교육과 연구역량을 갖춘 최고대학이라는 자부심을 갖도록 교육과 연구지원정책을 강화해 나가겠다.”라고 밝혔다.

부경대 총장임용추천위원회는 남구선관위로부터 개표결과를 통보받은 후 지체 없이 장 교수와 류 교수를 총장후보자로 공고한 후, 현 총장에게 결정된 총장후보자를 통보한다. 통보를 받은 총장은 임기 만료 30일 전까지 교육부에 이들을 부경대 제7대 총장임용후보자로 추천하게 된다.

부경대 신임 총장은 대통령으로부터 임명을 받으면 4년간 총장직을 수행하게 된다. <부경투데이>

Jang Young-soo, the top pick candidate, and Ryu Jang-soo, the 2nd pick candidate for PKNU president
After the appointment of the President, one will serve as university president for 4 years.

In the 7th presidential candidate election for Pukyong National University, Professor Jang Young-soo (張瑛秀‧55 yr old) and Ryu Jang-soo (柳將秀‧58 yr old) have been elected as the top pick and the 2nd pick each.

On the 15th, the 3rd final voting for the 7th University Presidential Candidate for the Pukyong National University conducted by online voting, Professor Jang won the 1st place by 338.57 votes (52.2%). Professor Ryu gained 309.82 of the votes (47.7%).

599 numbers of professors, 363 employees, 18 assistants, and 34 students participated in this election.

Professor Jang graduated from the Fisheries Management Department at the National Fisheries University of Busan (1988) and received his Ph.D. (1994) from the Department of Fisheries Management at the Graduate School of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology in Japan. Since 1995, he has served as a professor at the Department of Marine Business & Economics at Pukyong National University, where he served as the Dean of the Fisheries Sciences College, Steering Committee for Liberal Arts Education and curriculum, and Head chief at Division of External Business. He has been a member of the Evaluation Committee for National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRC), and is currently a member of the Policy Planning Committee directly responsible to the President, a member of the Agricultural and Fishery Subcommittee of the Special Commission on Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Policies, and a policy advisory board at the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF).

Professor Ryu graduated from the economics department of Kyungpook National University (1984) and received a Ph.D. in Economics from Seoul National University (1993). Since 1995, he served as a professor at the Department of Economics at Pukyong National University and served as the chief of Planning Division and served as the President of the Korean Regional Employment Association (EKREA), the Policy Adviser to the Minister of Education Minister, a member of Presidential Committee for Balanced National Development Committee (NABIS), a senior member and the Committee President of the Minimum Wage at Busan Regional Human Resources Development Committee (BusanHRD). Currently, he is a Chairperson of the University Structural Reform Committee, and a member of the 4th Phase of BK21 (Brain Korea 21) Project Management Committee at the Ministry of Education.

Professor Jang, who placed the 1st candidate, said, "I will seek for solution to overcome the coronavirus era that we have never experienced before as an opportunity to develop the university, and I will try to enhance our university competitiveness," he added, "Especially, I will put effort in strengthening education and research support policies so that university members take pride in being the best university with creative fusion and convergence education and research capabilities."

The University President Appointment Committee of Pukyong National University immediately informs Professor Chang and Professor Ryu as candidates for the president after receiving the vote counting results from the Nam-gu Election Management Committee, and then informs the current president about the candidates who have been decided.

Upon receiving the appointment from the President, the new university president of Pukyong National University will serve as president for the next 4 years. <Pukyong Today>