국립 부경대학교





  • 국립 부경대학교의 다양한 모습과 소식을 접하시면 부경대학교가 한번 더 가까워집니다.
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대-기장군의회, 정치권에 대선공약 공동건의(A joint proposal of PKNU-Gijang County Council to the politicians on the presidential campaign vision)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-11-16
조회수 519
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대-기장군의회, 정치권에 대선공약 공동건의(A joint proposal of PKNU-Gijang County Council to the politicians on the presidential campaign vision)
대외협력과 2021-11-16 519

기장 방사선의과학단지에 「글로벌 암치료 허브」요청

- 중입자가속기, 암 전문병원 등 아시아 최고 수준의 암치료시설 집적
- 의료기기센터, 임상시험지원센터, 의과대학 등 10개 시설 추가 설립
- 의료-연구-교육-산업 연계된 맞춤형 암치료 및 정밀의료 Complex구축

△ (왼쪽부터) 황운철 전 기장군의회 의장, 최희락 부경대 대외부총장, 박재호 더불어민주당 부산시당위원장, 김대군 기장군의회 의장, 손동운 부경대 교수


국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)와 기장군의회(의장 김대군)가 현재 1조4000억원의 사업비를 투입해서 조성 중인 부산 기장군 장안읍 동남권 방사선 의과학산업단지(45만평 규모)를 글로벌 암치료 허브로 추진해 줄 것을 제20대 대통령 선거공약으로 공동 요청했다.

기장군 김대군 의장과 부경대 최희락 부총장을 비롯한 대표단은 지난 11월 13일 박재호 더불어민주당 부산시당위원장과 백종헌 국민의힘 부산시당위원장을 각각 방문해 ‘부산 글로벌 암치료 허브 구축 및 방사선의과대학 설립’을 위한 공동건의서를 전달했다.

부경대와 기장군의회는 동남권 의과학단지가 단일지역에 암 전문병원인 동남권원자력의학원, 꿈의 암치료기인 중입자가속기, 방사선 신약 생산시설인 연구용원자로가 집결되어 있는 동북아시아 최대의 첨단 방사선의료단지라며 이곳을 일반산업단지가 아니라 암의 치료-연구-교육-산업이 연계된 종합 컴플렉스(complex)로 만들 것을 요청했다.

이들은 특히 첨단의료복합단지 등 국내 10여개 의료단지가 연구시설 중심인 반면 동남권의과학단지는 환자를 직접 치료하는 병원과 치료시설 중심이어서 연구지원 시설 및 의과대학 설립 등 4개 분야 10개 시설을 추가 건립해 부산을 글로벌 암치료 허브로 발전시키고 전문 의사과학자도 육성해야 한다고 강조했다.

주요 요청사항은 △연구시설 분야에 융복합 방사선 의료기기센터, 방사선의료 빅데이터 센터, 실험동물센터 △치료시설로는 독립형 소형 양성자치료기와 동위원소 생산용 사이클로트론 △교육시설은 방사선 특화 의과대학 설립과 국제적 교육과정 개설 △지원시설로는 식품의약품안전평가원 분원(방사선의약품 평가), 임상시험지원센터와 벤처창업지원센터 등 10개 시설이며 사업비는 2026년까지 4,300억원 규모이다.

부경대와 기장군의회는 이러한 시설이 갖춰질 경우 동부산관광단지와 연계한 웰니스 의료관광으로 외국환자를 유치해 신산업을 창출할 수 있는 것은 물론 서울로 가는 원정환자를 흡수해 부울경을 포함한 동해남부권 1000만 주민의 의료서비스가 획기적으로 개선될 것이라고 밝혔다. 또한 이 일대를 규제 샌드박스로 지정하면 말기암 환자에 대한 동정적 치료가 가능해지며, 식품의약품안전평가원 분원 설립으로 행정지원이 활발해질 경우 국내 및 글로벌 방사선 의료기업의 유치도 활기를 띨 것이라고 기대했다.

한편 부경대가 의대 설립을 위해 지난 3월 한양대 보건의료연구소에 연구의뢰한 결과 암환자 중 방사선 치료를 받는 비율이 미국과 유럽은 50% 이상, 수도권 암환자도 43.9%에 이르고 있으나 동남권 암환자의 방사선 치료 비율은 11.8%로 낮아 오는 2023년 완공되는 중입자가속기 외에도 다양한 방사선 의료기기와 시설이 갖춰져야 할 것으로 지적됐다. <부경투데이>

△ (왼쪽부터) 황운철 전 기장군의회 의장, 최희락 부경대 대외부총장, 백종헌 국민의힘 부산시당위원장, 김대군 기장군의회 의장, 손동운 부경대 교수

Request on a development of Southerneast Area Radiological & Medical Sciences Industrial Complex in Gijang as a global cancer treatment hub


- Aims to the best cancer treatment facilities in Asia, a cancer medical center with medical heavy ion accelerator

- 10 additional facilities, including a medical device center, clinical trial center, and medical college

- To build a customized cancer treatment and precision medical complex in connection with medical-research-education-industry


As the 20th presidential election pledges, Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) and the Gijang County Council (Council chairman Kim Dae-Goon) jointly requested that the Southerneast Area Radiological & Medical Sciences Industrial Complex (1,487,603), which is currently being built with an investment of 1.4 trillion won, as a global cancer treatment hub, Jangan-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan.


On November 13, the delegation, including Council Chairman Kim Dae-Goon and Choi Hee-Rak, Vice-President of Pukyong National University, visited the Busan City Party Chairman Park Jae-Ho of the Democratic Party and the Busan City Party Chairman Baek Jong-Heon from the People's Power Party, and delivered a joint proposal for the establishment of the 'Southerneast Area Radiological & Medical Sciences Industrial Complex in Gijang as a global cancer treatment hub'.


The Southerneast Area Radiological & Medical Sciences Industrial Complex is the largest high-tech radiation medical complex in Northeast Asia, where the Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences (DIRAMS), a cancer-specialized center located in a single area, the heavy particle accelerator, a dream cancer treatment device, and a research reactor, a facility that produces new drugs with radiation, are gathered. Pukyong National University and the Gijang county council requested that the site be made into a complex where cancer treatment-research-education-industry is linked, not a general industrial complex. Pukyong National University and the Gijang county council jointly requested that the site should be made into a complex where cancer treatment-research-education-industry is linked, not a general industrial complex.


Especially, unlike the 10 domestic medical complexes such as the high-tech medical complex, which are centered on research facilities, the medical science complex is centered on hospitals and treatment facilities that treat patients directly, the delegation emphasized that Busan should be developed into a global cancer treatment hub by establishing an additional medical center and nurture professional doctors and scientists.


The main requests of the delegation are the Radiation Convergence Medical Device Center, the Radiation Big Data Center, and the Institute for Experimental Animals in the research facilities an independent small proton beam therapy machine and the cyclotron for isotope production for the treatment facilities, the establishment of a radiology medical college and an international curriculum for the educational facility, 10 facilities including a branch of the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation (mainly appraise all radiologic medicines), a clinical trial support center, and a venture start-up support center for the support facilities, and the project cost is estimated 430 billion won by 2026.


If such facilities are well equipped, Pukyong National University and Gijang County Council announced that the medical service of the city will be improved dramatically as it will be possible to create a new industry by attracting foreign patients through Wellness Medical Tourism in connection with the East Busan Tourism Complex (EBTC), as well as 10 million residents of the southern region of the East Sea including Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam by dispersing visiting patients going to Seoul. In addition, if this area is designated as a regulatory sandbox, expanded access treatment for terminal cancer patients will be possible, and if administrative support becomes active due to the establishment of a branch of the branches of the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation, it is expected that the attraction of domestic and global radiation medical companies will also be vital.


As a result of a research request from Pukyong National University to the Institute of Health Service Management at Hanyang University in March for the establishment of a medical college, more than 50% of cancer patients in the United States and Europe undergo radiological treatment, and 43.9% of cancer patients distributed in the metropolitan area. However, since the rate of radiological treatment for cancer patients in the southeast region is low at 11.8%, it was pointed out that various radiation medical devices and facilities should be provided in addition to the Medical Heavy lon Accelerator which is scheduled to be completed by 2023. <Pukyong Today>