국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대 공학교육, 동남권 최우수! ( PKNU has best engineering education in the southeastern area!)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-12-29
조회수 652
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대 공학교육, 동남권 최우수! ( PKNU has best engineering education in the southeastern area!)
대외협력과 2021-12-29 652

부경대, 공학교육 ‘동남권 올해의 대학’ 2년 연속 최우수상
- 공학교육 혁신 및 산학협력 기여 공로
211229 .........1
△ 부경대 공학교육혁신센터 정원교 센터장(오른쪽)이 최우수상을 받고 기념촬영하고 있다. 


국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)가 동남권 14개 대학 공학교육혁신센터 공동 주관으로 열린 2021 S-HOW 성과발표회 및 시상식에서 ‘2021 동남권 올해의 대학 공로상’ 최우수상을 수상했다.

부경대는 최근 제주 신화월드 랜딩관에서 열린 이번 행사에서 지난 한 해 동안 동남권 공학교육 혁신과 산학협력에 기여한 공로로 이 상을 받았다. 부경대는 지난해 최우수상에 이어 올해도 참여대학 가운데 가장 우수한 성과를 인정받았다.

부경대는 공학교육혁신센터(센터장 정원교) 주관으로 산업통상자원부와 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 2007년부터 창의융합형 공학인재 양성지원사업(구 공학교육혁신지원사업)을 수행하고 있다.

부경대 공학교육혁신센터는 공과대학생들을 대상으로 온라인 교육과 대면교육의 효율적 운영을 비롯, 타 대학 공학교육혁신센터와 협력하며 △Who’s NEXT 3D 프린팅 로봇교육 △AI 레시피 온라인 교육 △창업N직무인사이트 △건물에너지관리시스템 전문가 양성 온라인 교육 △파이썬 프로그래밍 기반 빅데이터 과정 △문화 속 융합공학 찾기 △안전지킴이 창의융합 아카데미 △3D 프린팅 로봇 축구 경진대회 △창의충전소 파견 등 다양한 공학교육 프로그램을 제공해왔다.

이와 함께 이번 시상식에서 부경대 공학교육혁신센터 피경진 전임연구원은 동남권 공학교육의 발전에 기여한 직원에게 시상하는 ‘SUPER Staff 동남권 우수 직원 공로상’을 수상했다. <부경투데이>


PKNU, 'The University of the Year in the Southeast Region' for 2 consecutive years, earns the top prize for its Engineering Education

- Recognized for leading innovation in engineering education and contributing to industry-university cooperation


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) took the honor of the grand prize in the 'Best Engineering Education in the Southeast Area of the Year' at the 'S-HOW Awards Ceremony 2021' co-hosted by 14 universities' Innovation Center for Engineering Education in the Southeast region.


Pukyong National University recently received this award at the event held at the Landing Ballroom of Jeju Shinhwa World for recognition of its contribution to innovation in engineering education in the Southeast region and industry-university cooperation over the past year. Following the grand prize last year, Pukyong National University was recognized for the best performance among universities that participated this year.


Pukyong National University, under the supervision of the Innovation Center for Engineering Education (Jeong Won-Kyo, Director), supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT), has been carrying out the project for supporting the development of convergent engineering researchers since 2007.


The Innovation Center for Engineering Education of Pukyong National University has been cooperating with other universities' Innovation Centers, including the efficient operation of online and un-tact curriculums for engineering students, and has provided various engineering education programs such as Who's NEXT 3D printing robot AI recipe online class startup N job insight expert online training for building energy management systems python programming-based big data course discovering convergence engineering in culture inventive convergence academy for safety keeper 3D printing robot soccer competitions and creativity charging stations.


Along with this award, Pi Gyeong-Jin, a researcher at the Innovation Center for Engineering Education of Pukyong National University, received the 'SUPER Staff, Outstanding Achievement Award for Employee in the Southeast Area' for his contribution to the development of engineering education in the Southeast region. <Pukyong Today>