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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대 의공학도 아이디어가 '대상'(Awarded 'Grand Prize' for the idea of a student team from Biomedical Engineering at PKNU)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-12-30
조회수 686
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
부경대 의공학도 아이디어가 '대상'(Awarded 'Grand Prize' for the idea of a student team from Biomedical Engineering at PKNU)
대외협력과 2021-12-30 686

스스로 환자 따라가는 자동 링거대 아이디어 ‘주목’
- 부경대 학생 팀, 2021 혁신선도대학 연합경진대회 대상

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수상 학생들 사진(왼쪽부터 한원, 김현정, 김채윤, 최병훈) ⓒ사진 최지성(대외홍보팀)


링거를 맞아야 하는 환자들을 스스로 따라다니는 자동 링거대 아이디어가 주목받았다.

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수) 의공학IT융합전공 4학년 김현정, 의공학과 4학년 최병훈, 한원, 김채윤 학생 팀(지도교수 안예찬)이 2021년 혁신선도대학 연합경진대회 대상을 수상했다.

이들은 최근 열린 2021년 혁신선도대학 연합 경진대회에서 특정 환자를 인식하고 판단해 움직이는 자동화 링거대 ‘FOLLOW UP 링거’ 작품으로 대상의 영예를 안았다. 이 경진대회는 교육부 4차산업혁명 혁신선도대학 사업의 스마트헬스케어 분야에 참여 중인 5개 대학이 공동 개최했다. 

부경대생들이 개발한 ‘FOLLOW UP 링거’는 구동모터를 갖추고 특정 표지를 지닌 환자의 위치를 파악해 자동으로 따라가는 링거대다. 환자와의 거리에 따라 속도를 조절하는 것은 물론, 경사로에서도 넘어지지 않고 장애물을 인식하면 자동으로 멈추도록 제작됐다.

링거대에 카메라를 장착해 특정 표지를 인식하고 모터를 구동하도록 프로그래밍했고, 표지의 좌표와 크기에 따라 방향과 속도를 조절하도록 했다. 적외선 센서를 적용해 환자와의 거리에 따라 속도를 조절하거나 정지하고, 자이로센서와 서보모터를 이용해 링거대의 수평을 조절하고 넘어지지 않도록 설계했다. 제자리에서 회전하는 메카넘휠을 적용해 링거 줄 꼬임도 방지한다.

김현정 학생은 “몸이 불편한 환자가 직접 링거대를 운반하며 방향을 제어하지 못하거나 양손을 사용하지 못하는 등 기존 링거대 사용 시 불편함을 해결하기 위해 이번 작품을 개발했다.”라면서, “환자들이 링거를 맞으면서도 보다 안전하고 편리하게 활동하는 데 활용할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.”라고 말했다.

한편 부경대는 이번 경진대회에 4차산업혁명혁신선도대학사업단에서 2개 팀이 출전해 대상과 함께 의공학과 4학년 김승준, 이동해, 김영은, 심윤주 학생 팀(지도교수 강현욱)이 장려상을 수상하는 성과를 올렸다. <부경투데이>

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△ 자동 링거대 사진


The focus is now on an I.V. pole stand that autonomously follows patients

- Student Team from PKNU received the grand prize at the Joint Competition for Innovation Leading University 2021


The idea of a smart I.V. pole stand that follows patients who need to get an I.V. has attracted public attention.


The student team including Kim Hyeon-Jeong, a 4th-year student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering IT Convergence, along with Choi Byeong-Hoon, Han Won, and Kim Chae-Yoon (Ahn Ye-Chan, Advisory Professor), 4th-year students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering, at Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) won the grand prize at the Joint Competition of 2021 Innovation Leading University.


They were awarded the grand prize for their work, 'FOLLOW UP I.V.', an automated smart I.V. pole stand that recognizes and judges a specific patient on their own at the recently held Joint Competition of 2021 Innovation Leading University. This contest was jointly hosted by 5 universities participating in the smart healthcare field of the 4th Industrial Revolution Innovation Leading University Project hosted by the Ministry of Education.


The 'FOLLOW UP I.V.' developed by Pukyong National University's students is a smart I.V. pole stand with a drive motor and automatically traces and follows the patient’s location with a specific mark. It not only adjusts the speed according to the distance from the patient, but it is also designed to automatically stop when it recognizes an obstacle without falling over, even on a ramp.


A camera mounted on the I.V pole can be programmed to recognize a specific sign and drives a motor while adjusting the direction and speed according to the coordinates and size of the sign. An infrared sensor is also utilized, so the speed is adjusted or stopped according to the distance from the patient, and a gyro sensor and sub-motor are used to adjust the level of the I.V. and prevent it from falling. A Mecanum wheel that rotates in place is also employed to prevent the I.V.'s string from twisting.


Kim Hyeon-Jeong said, "We developed this work to solve the inconveniences that may occur when using the existing I.V. pole stands, such as a patient with a physical disability who cannot control the direction or use both hands while carrying the I.V. pole stand," she added, "By using this, I expect that patients who have gotten an I.V. will be able to engage in safer and more free activities.”


Two teams from the 4th Industrial Revolution Innovation Leading University Project Group participated in this competition, and biomedical engineering students in their 4th year, including Kim Seung-Joon, Lee Dong-Hae, Kim Young-Eun, and Shim Yoon-Joo (Kang Hyun-Wook, Advisory Professor), received a participation prize with the grand prize. <Pukyong Today>