국립 부경대학교





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작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
'백경이와 뿌공이' 등장!(The introduction of Baekyong and Ppukong!)
작성자 대외협력과 작성일 2021-12-31
조회수 948
작성자,작성일,첨부파일,조회수로 작성된 표
'백경이와 뿌공이' 등장!(The introduction of Baekyong and Ppukong!)
대외협력과 2021-12-31 948

부경대, 새 캐릭터 ‘백경이와 뿌공이’ 발표
- ‘2021 전국 캐릭터 공모전’ 시상

211231 .........와 뿌공이, 경이
△ 왼쪽부터 뿌공이와 백경이, 그리고 경이

국립부경대학교(총장 장영수)가 새로운 상징 캐릭터 ‘백경이와 뿌공이’를 공식 발표했다.

부경대는 최근 전국을 대상으로 개최한 ‘2021 전국 캐릭터 공모전’의 대상작으로 김재효 씨(서울 전농동)의 작품 ‘백경이와 뿌공이’를 선정하고 총장상과 상금 300만원을 시상했다고 밝혔다.

부경대는 특성화 종합대학으로서 혁신적이고 역동적인 이미지를 표현해낸 캐릭터를 발굴하기 위해 지난 9월부터 10월까지 전국을 대상으로 캐릭터 이미지를 공모했다.

총상금 600만원이 걸린 이번 공모전에는 전국 각지의 전문가, 일반인, 학생 등이 참가해 180여 개의 수준 높은 디자인 작품이 접수되며 많은 관심을 받았다.

대상작 ‘백경이와 뿌공이’는 부경대의 기존 캐릭터인 ‘백경이’와 함께 부산의 갈매기를 형상화한 ‘뿌공이’를 함께 디자인함으로써 자유와 참된 진리를 추구하는 대학의 정신과 대학이 위치한 부산의 지리적 상징성을 단순하면서도 귀여운 이미지로 표현해냈다는 평가를 받았다.

대상에 이어 상금 100만원의 최우수상은 ‘경이’(김선민)와 ‘바오와 푸링’(정유림), 상금 20만원의 우수상은 ‘자유로운 항해사, 백경이’(송지현·정민영), ‘부림이와 여리’(김강민), ‘모비, 라솜, 가모’(이수연), ‘백경이와 북경이’(김성령·장희원), ‘꼬래’(오성진) 등이 수상했다.

부경대는 대상작 등 수상작을 이모티콘과 기념품, 스티커 등 온·오프라인에 걸쳐 활용해 대학 슬로건인 ‘혁신 창학, 힘찬 도약’과 함께 대학 비전 및 특성화 이미지를 널리 알리고 긍정적 대학 이미지를 구축하는 데 힘쓸 계획이다. <부경투데이>


Pukyong National University Announced New Characters 'Baekyong and Ppukong'

- Presented prize to the winner of the 'National Character Contest 2021'


Pukyong National University (President Jang Young-Soo) has officially announced the new representative characters 'Baekyong(-ee) and Ppukong(-ee).’


Pukyong National University has announced that it has selected the work 'Baekyong(-ee) and Ppukong(-ee)’ by Kim Jae-Hyo (Jeonnong-dong, Seoul) as the grand prize winner of the 'National Character Contest 2021', which was recently held nationwide, and awarded the prize given by the university president and 3 million won.


Pukyong National University held a nationwide character image contest from September to October to discover characters that fully express the innovative and dynamic image of specialized universities.


With a total prize of 6 million won, this contest attracted a lot of attention as experts, the public, and students from all over the country participated. As a result, over 180 high-standard designs were submitted.


The grand prize-winning work ‘'Baekyong(-ee) and Ppukong(-ee)' expresses the spirit of the university in seeking freedom and truth by designing 'Ppukong' in the shape of a seagull in Busan together with 'Baekkyong', the existing character of Pukyong National University. In addition, it received positive reviews for expressing the geographical symbolism of Busan, where the university is located, with a simple and cute image.


Following the grand prize, the 2nd prize of 1 million won was awarded to 'Kyong(-ee)' (Kim Seon-Min) and 'Bao and Furing' (Jeong Yu-Rim), while the 3rd prize of 200,000 won was given to 'Free Sailor, Baekyongee' (Song Ji-Hyeon, Jeong Min-Young), 'Boorim(-ee) & Yeori' (Kim Kang-Min), 'Mobi, Rasom, Gamo' (Lee Soo-Yeon), 'Baekyong-ee and Bookyong-ee' (Kim Seong-Ryeong, Jang Hee-Won), and 'Korae' (Oh Seong-Jin).


Pukyong National University will focus on building a positive image of the university by promoting the university’s vision and specialization image, along with the university’s slogan, ‘New beginning, New inspiration’, by using the award-winning works on/offline as emoticons, souvenirs, and stickers. <Pukyong Today>